What is the PL8HERO #EarthAid project?
What is #EarthAid?

PL8HERO #EarthAid project teeth," Earth Aid Aimed at Social contribution project is.
It was launched to help even a little bit of the various problems that are occurring on a global scale.
For example, not only environmental problems, but also infectious disease control, poverty support, animal welfare, etc. Support activities for "everything related to the earth" is.
"" Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) As it is said, "No one is left behind" For that reason, we will continue to do activities because we can do things that are close to us.
Therefore, we have developed charity goods for the purpose of donating a part of the proceeds by making effective use of what PL8HERO can do.
We sell these charity goods as "PL8 HERO #EarthAid Project".
* Products eligible for the #EarthAid project are not eligible for coupons.
#EarthAid target products
You can check the list of products eligible for charity from the following.
Other initiatives being carried out at PL8 HERO
- Support for the Ukrainian government
- UNICEF Monthly Support Program
- Continuous donation program to the Japanese Red Cross Society
- Carbon dioxide reduction measures
- Measures against microplastics